Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Well another year has come and gone.  Very little to report from the last 12 months on the layout.  The main addition was the wheat silo going in.  Over the next few months I plan to really get stuck in and get the second (lower level) complete and joining in to the top level.  After much procrastination I have worked out exactly where the points are to go in to take the main line away from the branch line.

New additions on the new model front were, the HUB cars arrived early in the new year.  Many comments were made about no "GREEN TINT" in the windows.  (I've worked out a method to tint the windows and will post this on the blog soon.)  I also acquired an 82 class (as built).  Thre were more 4 wheelers (LV, MV, CW) as well as some new bogie rolling stock (MRC)

Looking into the crystal ball, this year we will see in locomotives the 442/700,  81, G, BL and hopefully the 48/830.  We my also get a 45/600.  On the rolling stock front TRC, VLX, LHG and S wagon  All additions that will be welcomed on the Main West.

Hopefully over the next 12 months there will be a lot more posts and much more to report.

Happy Calendar changing Day

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