Wednesday, 17 October 2012


As promised some photos of the ICV's and SRC's

These wagons were weathered using the same system as the previous blog


Saturday, 6 October 2012


Recently I was asked what techniques I use to weather freight wagons. The simple answer given was various techniques depending on the wagon and/or the effect I'm looking for for the particular piece of rolling stock.

I have been weathering up some of the recently released 4 wheelers from Austrains and thought this would be a good opportunity to show it step by step.

The first 2 photos show a CV & a PV ex-works.


For the first colour you will need a very diluted mix of Tamiya Acrylic XF12 J.N. Grey. To dilute the paint I use Isocol rubbing alcohol. It comes in a green bottle and can be purchased from your local chemist or supermarket. Dilute the paint about 80% Isocol 20% paint. If you want the mix thicker just add more paint or if thinner more Isocol. Pretty simple really. Apply the mix using a flat type brush following the way the wooden planks run. Don't be too concerned with how it looks as there is still some way to go.


Once the first coat of paint has dried I applied a dark buff colour using a weathering dye. Tamiya Acrylic also has a similar colour that would be just as effective.


Using a rust colour (Hull red from Tamiya), highlight the different areas of your model using a thin brush. Picking out the springs and hinges really will set off the model.

The following photo shows the dark buff colour applied and the rust colour highlight. The rust wash can also be applied to the roof


Using the flat brush apply a black wash mixed using the above 80-20 rule. To make the mix I used a bottle of Tamiya XF1 Black with XF12 mixed in to make it a "Grimy Black" type colour. If the finished model hasn't darkened up enough for your liking simply wait for the model to dry and re-apply the black wash.

STEP 5. (The final one)

Lightly weather the underbody using your desired colours (at this point I use Floquil Grime and Grimy Black). Also give the body a light coat of these colours as well just to tidy everything up a touch.

The final photo shows the finished products.

Once completed I will post photos of the ICV & SRC.