Saturday, 16 June 2012

When is an MCE not a Passenger car?????? When it's a Coil Steel Wagon

As the title suggests on the NSW Railways there were 2 different pieces of rollingstock that carried the code "MCE".  The well known one was of course the 72ft composite passenger car.  The other one was a converted MLE type wagon.  5 were converted from MLE's, (coded MCE) 2 from UME's (coded MCU)& 9 from EMX's (coded MCX)

On finding photos of these wagons I decided to do a model of an MCE.  I used an Austrains MLE and for the coil steel cradles and the coils the Auscision Models ones were used.

The wagons bolsters first needed to be removed and the wagon and cradles were weathered.  Once the wagon was weathered, the cradles were positioned on the wagon (using photos for positioning) and glued down.

The result being the following:

The below photos of the prototype used to base the model off came from Rob O'Regans website this website is fantastic particularly for VR wagons but he also has a range of other interstate wagons as well.

Now where's that NCX kit??????????